How to add Ads.txt file in Blogger

How to add Ads.txt file in Blogger by tial wizards

What is Ads.txt?

An ads.txt file, also referred to as Authorized Digital Sellers, is a pivotal component residing in the root directory of your website. Its primary function is to ensure that only authorized sellers, such as AdSense, have permission to sell your digital advertising inventory. By implementing this file, you effectively control and designate which entities are permitted to monetize your website through advertising, thereby reducing the risk of counterfeit or unauthorized inventory being presented to potential advertisers.

The significance of ads.txt lies in its ability to safeguard your ad revenue and uphold the integrity of your digital advertising ecosystem. It serves as a transparent declaration of authorized sellers, allowing advertisers to verify the legitimacy of the inventory they are purchasing. This transparency not only instills confidence in advertisers but also helps in establishing trust and credibility within the digital advertising industry.

From a practical standpoint, adding an ads.txt file involves creating a text file that lists the authorized digital sellers who are permitted to sell advertising space on your website. Each entry in the file includes a domain name and a Publisher ID (pub ID) associated with the seller. This file must be uploaded to the root directory of your domain to be accessible and effective.

By maintaining an updated ads.txt file, you ensure that your digital ad inventory remains protected against unauthorized resale and potential fraud. This proactive measure not only enhances the efficiency of your digital advertising operations but also minimizes the risk of revenue loss due to counterfeit impressions or clicks. Moreover, adhering to industry best practices by implementing ads.txt can improve your website's reputation and attractiveness to premium advertisers seeking reliable and trustworthy platforms for their campaigns.

Step by Step Guide to Adding an ads.txt File to Blogger

Download the ads.txt File from AdSense Dashboard

  • Visit the AdSense website and log in to your account.
  • Navigate to the ads.txt section in your AdSense account settings. Download the ads.txt file provided there.

Open and Copy the Contents of the ads.txt File

  • After downloading, open the ads.txt file using a text editor like Notepad or any code editor.
  • Select all the contents of the ads.txt file and copy it.

Login to Blogger Dashboard and Navigate to Settings

  • Go to Blogger and log in using your Google account credentials.
  • Choose the blog where you want to add the ads.txt file.
  • In the Blogger dashboard for your selected blog, find and click on "Settings" from the left-hand menu.

Enable Custom ads.txt Option

  • In the "Settings" menu, click on "Monetization".
  • Look for the option to enable custom ads.txt. This option might be labeled differently depending on the Blogger interface but typically mentions "Custom ads.txt" or similar., pub-0000000000000000, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

  • Once you find the option to enable custom ads.txt, paste the copied code from the ads.txt file into the provided text box or area.

Save and Verify

  • After pasting the code, click on "Save settings" or equivalent to apply the changes.
  • Verify that the ads.txt file is correctly implemented by accessing it via your Blogger site's URL. For example, if your blog URL is, your ads.txt file should be accessible at
How to add Ads.txt file in Blogger

Final Checks

  • Use the IAB ads.txt Validator to validate your ads.txt file and ensure it follows the correct format.
  • Remember to update your ads.txt file whenever there are changes to your authorized sellers or Publisher ID.

How to verify ads.txt on Blogger

The ads.txt file should be accessible at the following URL format:

Replace your blog with your actual Blogger blog name.

Example: If your blog URL is, then your ads.txt file would be at

Type or paste the constructed URL ( into your web browser's address bar.

The ads.txt file content should display in your browser window. It typically lists domains and Publisher IDs authorized to sell ads on your site, in a format similar to the below., pub-0000000000000000, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Optionally, you can use the IAB ads.txt Validator to validate your ads.txt file. This tool checks for correct formatting and compliance with industry standards.

How do I know if I have ads.txt errors in my Adsense dashboard?

In your Adsense dashboard, you may receive a notification or see an error message indicating issues with your ads.txt file. These errors typically alert you to missing or incorrect entries in the file.

Can I fix ads.txt errors in Blogger?

Yes, you can fix ads.txt errors in Blogger. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily add an ads.txt file to your Blogger website and resolve any related errors in your Adsense dashboard.

Do I need to update ads.txt file regularly?

Yes, it’s important to update your ads.txt file regularly. As you collaborate with different ad networks or make changes to your monetization strategies, update the file to ensure that only authorized sellers are listed.

How can I verify if the ads.txt file is correctly integrated into my Blogger website?

To verify the integration of the ads.txt file, open your website’s homepage and add “/ads.txt” to the end of the URL. If you see the same code you pasted in the settings, it indicates that the ads.txt file is successfully added.


I hope you've successfully resolved any issues with your ads.txt file on your Blogger website. If you still have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask in the comments section. You can also seek guidance from ads.txt troubleshooter.

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